Well they replied to me and 4 out of 5 points I asked are kinda clear now.. here is the whole conversation.
Question 1: Regarding the payout request, is it required for a member / advertiser to make both 5 / 2 sales and also collect $100 / $50 in their balance (accordingly)? Or they can cashout just by achieving only the first of the two goals etc. if an advertiser collects $50 without sales.. just by referral earnings will he be able to request a cashout?
Answer : Yes, those are the requirements that have to be met before a user can cashout.
Please login and click 'Referrals / Stats and scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a current total for both.
Conclusion : So yes we are required to both generate sales and collect the minimum amount to request a payout.
Question 2: From what I understand I have to make any banner advertising purchase to become an advertiser and I'm ok with that. However I read that advertisers get double earnings ($0.10 per day by displaying banners / $0.02 / active referral) than simple members of RefBan. Now in the last email I read this line :
"Soon it will be your LAST CHANCE to earn double for displaying banners and referring others!"
Could you please explain to me what exactly does this mean? Which exact feature will not be available anymore?
Answer : We'll soon be adding up all the affiliate commissions, so it will be your last chance to earn 30% instead of 15%.
If you advertise after we add them up, you'll only earn 15% for commissions to date and 30% for future commissions.
Conclusion : So from what I get is that the only difference in the commissions is that we
will only receive 15% commissions for the sales that were made before the official launch. So here is an example :
Let's say that I joined the program at 15th of January 2013 and started referring already.
And until today I'm considered a simple member instead of advertiser. But the program is still in prelaunch.
Now, if I have generated x sales so far that I'm standard I would normally get 15% commission for them.
But if I upgrade now while it's still pre-launch, when the program officially launches I will get 30% commission
for them at the launch date as if I was advertiser since the beginning. I'll let them know of this thought and
request them to ensure that I got it.
(to be continued)