dansbanners wrote on 19
th May, 2023 at 1:36pm:
I'm still getting referrals. I now have 50 of them. Got the last one today, referral ID # 9519.
That's nice! I am still at 35.
Since Rui's ID is 3302 we are all above the 6000 milestone difference which grants us a 6X seniority pay multiplier.
So to showcase what one can earn with 1 upgraded, we currently get:
2 shares x 6 (seniority) = 12
With the shared pool value around $0.30 we get 12 x 0.30 = $3.6
And we double that if our upgraded referral is also in the same status which makes a total of $7.2
And the ref upgrade commission adds up to that by $0.70
That gets us at $7.9 / month fully covering our upgrade with profit.And that's not including the traffic contest which can easily add up $1 or $2 profit per month.
If soon we cross the 7000 milestone our multiplier will get to 14 granting even more profit.
Btw, I've also noticed that MM's last login in DLF was also Jan 1, 2023, which is very sad.
Let's hope he's ok.