I've just checked the site it seems well established but provides not much info..
Then read about it, in the downline builder, and I've got a few questions on it.
It's rather interesting because we could use extra earnings from our shares' credits.

Since I also read about the misunderstanding, I assume Dan and MM joined separately and not under each other but Dan was the one to bring the site up first?

Well, then I could probably join under Dan on this one..
Or maybe better, if Rui decides to use it, he can join under Dan and then I could follow Rui's line..
I already benefit MM on YGP and Rui is already benefiting me in FC, so if Rui could benefit Dan then I could benefit Rui so that we all get a share of benefits.

..Now on the site itself.. I couldn't figure out their standards for a "Valid" visit.. what does it mean? Since they accept repeated visitors what visits are considered invalid?
And regarding the daily limit of $0.16.. does that include referral earnings or just personal surfing.. or PTP earnings too?