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Vestige is Best MLM in India and One of Top 10 MLM companies in India. Vestige Spirulina, Vestige Noni, Vestige Ganoderma is best selling Products. Compare to Amway it is very easy to promote and earning as well as good. Vestige products online purchase is very easy and Join vestige Online also available.
The Vestige Marketing Plan is a Cumulative plan where you never drop from the level of achievement and keep on achieving higher levels.
Vestige deals with Health Care, Personal Beauty Care, Oral Care, Skin Care, Health Food, Consumables and Agriculture Products.
Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd., which started its operations in the year 2004, is a leading direct selling company dealing in world class health and personal care products. Vestige is constantly growing at the rate of 100% every year. This growth pattern in itself speaks volumes about the quality of the products, the marketing plan and the management that has been able to accomplish such a rewarding and sustainable system.
Vestige MLM Features: 1. 4 Fold Bonus Marketing Plan 2. Advanced Breakaway Plan 3. Cumulative Plan 4. Only promotions, No demotions 5. Never reaches Zero 6. No Re-qualification (One time achievement) 7. Director Bonus Compresses Downward 8. Leadership Bonus Roll-up 9. No Renewal 10. Engineered to make you wealthy
Enrichment Plan 7 Ways of Income: 1. Retail Profit (10 - 20%) 2. Performance Bonus(5 - 20%) 3. Director Bonus (14%) 4. Leadership Overriding Bonus (15%) 5. Car Fund (5%) 6. House Fund (3%) 7. Travel Fund (3%)
You can earn Rs.2,00,000+ with in 4 months using the below plan available at Vestige Fast Start 120 days Plan With Rs.1500 of purchase 1500 customers for Health and Beauty Care products, you will get the above paycheck everymonth. Ask me How? +91 9840347697 / or Contact Me at VestigeBusiness.