This is a quirky little site I found right here on the buckets of banner link. It is not something we would normally promote here but it is definitely is a niche product. I'll explain why I like it.
First off it is called 8 hits but that is definitely a play on words because the 8 is a symbol for infinity and the idea here is infinity hits, not just 8 hits. But there is more. In order to get you registered for hits you need to view 8 websites. So the creator likes to play with words

The benefits are pretty good for free and upgrade:

So the five key benefits for upgrades are this: the 8 levels of referrals, random referrals, unlimited banner hits, $19 lifetime upgrade and 8 types of free ads for upgraded members plus site hits
The banner impressions are pretty good. After one day here are my stats:

So what is my approach to this site? Basically, I see it as a one-time payment for a permanent ad. For $19 you get about 200 banner views per day and all the other benefits for life. You don't need to promote but if you do you could build a huge downline. I don't have any random referrals after one day but if that happens that could compound. If you want to pay it forward then you could build a team of random referrals for $19 a shot
Tip: you can also use your profile pic as a 125 banner spot that will lead to your personal site
If you have any questions, you can ask in the topic here: Edit by SolidSnake: Fixed images
To sign up you can go to this link: