SolidSnake wrote on 24
th May, 2017 at 12:16am:
Wow... really what would you say about it right now, with your experience in the field?
Aren't the chances of both exploding to $5000+, almost as high as a sudden drop to half its value?

(Don't worry I'm not "wide enough" to invest in it right now, so I'm just wondering..)
I think it will go much higher than 5K. I'm targeting 25K. This hasn't even hit the general public phase yet. I don't know if you remember the Inet boom but once it caught the public's attention, then people started paying stupid amounts for some stocks. Even the fibre stocks exploded and BTC is more like fibre. Has paypal been advertising in your country? Because I'm seeing advertising all over the place for them. I think they are seriously starting to get worried because BTC can and probably soon will surpass them. I also think BTC will be a serious challenge to credit cards.
The banks, for the first time in our lifetimes, have some serious competition. Many people, if they could, would drop the banks in a heartbeat just to spite them.
With the way central banks have been acting of late, they play like they own the world. BTC is like a black swan in their world and it is the one security at this point that they cannot control. So anybody who is against central banking is going to jump on this. Once they start telling their friends how much they are making, then the interest will spread
Check this out to see what BTC can do for companies
Is The Blockchain About To Disrupt This $7 Trillion Industry? Just think about that. $7 trillion.
If I were to advise, and of course be very careful about who you listen to
including me, but I would say put between 1% and 5% of your net worth into this. If you can risk the 5%, I believe you will get a 10 fold gain on it but at least make sure you have 1% and treat it as your end of the world money