So here is a wild and wacky idea. What if we were all to send a dollar to each person who joined the downline builder, upgraded and pledged to send a dollar to everyone who joined under also? This would not only build our line deep(though we would only benefit from the first two down) but think about this, it would build up the membership at YGP and since it is a profit sharing site, those dollars would be adding to the earnings we would get there. Plus, it would add to the number of ads to be clicked which would also contribute to site earnings and activity.
now, maybe $1 each is expensive after we get a few hundred people in but maybe if we committed to sending $1 to the next 25 people that joined and were verified or $5 to the next five people under us who bought shares. Of course, those people would also be reinvesting in the future once they saw the cash they could make when their shares pay out so that money would come back to us eventually....
.....or maybe I've got too much candy cane on the brain