ruicarlov wrote on 1
st Apr, 2013 at 6:12pm:
Coming right after the PTCbox fiasco, I though StillSleeping had things better planned. Pherhaps that was naive of me.
Well, at the very least I didn't think something would happen so soon. I mean, the site started when? December/January? I decided to invest in a 6-month membership and some advertising to see how things went. I expected to recover my investment after 3-4 months. I was just about finished expanding my downline and was starting to reap some profits. Then things went downhill at the very worst moment possible. I had almost no time to recover my investmentat all, resulting in a $200 loss. Ouch.
This just comes to show me that making sensible coments PTC site does not mean you make a sucessful PTC owner.
I also invested in premium membership for 3 months but I managed to get back those expenses even with some small profit..
But if we include promoting costs and ads I purchased on cashclixs that have not been delivered yet I'm also in a big time loss.
However StillSleeping supported me greatly with advertising this forum since the very beginning so I don't really feel
like I've lost much.. If I was to pay for all the traffic I've received from him, the amount would climb higher than all
of my investments there put together.. the site was still at the very beginning.. so even from the scamming side it
would make no sense closing it this fast.. and I really don't thing it was planned by him.. It only saddens me that he
didn't even drop by to give us a brief explanation.. We all fail from time to time as this is a very unstable industry..
The worst thing is not really to fail.. but to disappear without a word. If he tells us what went wrong, at least we'll
all learn something from it..
As for the host shutting down his account, this is something that one have to research a lot before opening a site.
There are specific hosts that specialize in PTC hosting as most of the usual hosts have a "we hate PTCs" policy
just like free ones (blogspot, weebly etc). Before opening PTCBox.Me at maderite hosting, I had sent support requests
to almost any famous hosting site, asking them what is their policy against sites related to PTCs and how they
will handle it if I drive excessive traffic to my site through PTCs. Some suggested that I would rent a dedicated server
or some even that they don't accept investment or paid-to sites content.
And we know that there should always be a backup plan.. when it comes to payment processors or hosts..
It's almost been a week since the site is down. Most server transfers last less than 72 hours so if backups were
kept frequently enough, I'm sorry to say that the site should have already been up and running.. in order to avoid loss of trust.