Recruit Member
Old Retiree
Posts: 19
Portland, Oregon USA
I just got the email and registered so I could answer.
In my opinion Downline Farm is not a big money maker, but it is a place to promote to get contacts and referrals for a few programs, especially AIOP which I use it for.
I get paid with PayPal and as I remember that's all they offer.
As Of February 6, 2019 = 2876 members.
I upgraded a few months ago and so far it has made a profit every month.
The best thing I like about it is the Admin, he is an honest guy that is trying to succeed just like most of us are, so I am glad to support him.
Since I am Gold, I added three programs of my own, but I don't bother adding links to most of the others. I am strong on AIOP so that helps.
What I would suggest is one of your group join free and look it over to see if it fits your agenda and then ask me any questions that pop up.
I set the option to email me if there are replies here and will try to answer any question you come up with.
Thanks for asking.
P.S. One reason I may have been delayed in answering was we just got back from a trip to Las Vegas and I had to travel light to get the best airfare.