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Politicians go to Hell (Read 4516 times)
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Politicians go to Hell
14th Nov, 2014 at 2:17pm
George W. Bush, José Sócrates (former Portuguese prime-minister) and the Queen of England die and go to hell.
Wanting to know what happened to their countries after their deaths, they ask the devil to make a phone call to their respective countries.
The first one was Bush. He talked for about 2 minutes, and his bill was 2000€.
Second was the Queen of England. She talked for 5 minutes and her bill was 5000€.
When it was Sócrates' turn, he talked for over 3 hours.
In the end, his bill was 3€.
Sócrates was understandably surpised, so he asked the devil why it was so cheap to make a phone call to Portugal.
The devil aswered:
- From hell to hell is a local call.
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Re: Politicians go to Hell
Reply #1 - 14th Nov, 2014 at 10:12pm
Smiley Smiley Smiley Good one!
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